Thumbosaurus and the Little Protein

Sometimes, even good little thumbs catch a cold.

Thumbosaurus and the Little Protein
Thumbosaurus is a happy little thumb.

One day, Thumbosaurus didn't feel so good.

He went to the hospital with his friends, and the nurse was very nice.

The nurse was a pinky, and she smiled at Thumbosaurus, and she said to him, "Don't you worry little thumb, we will take care of you!"

The nurse pinky took out a bit of blood, which hurt a little when the needle went in, and Thumbosaurus felt a little afraid.

The nurse looked at a screen, and the smart little computer told the nurse what was wrong with Thumbosaurus.

The nurse seemed a little sad when she saw what the screen said, but then she looked back to Thumbosaurus, and she smiled again, and she said that Thumbosaurus was going to be just fine.

"What's wrong with me?", asked Thumbosaurus.

The little pinky explained to Thumbosaurus that, just like a rock is made of crystals which are made of atoms, living things are made of cells which are made of proteins.

She told Thumbosaurus that, sometimes, a protein was made that was not right, a bad protein which carried a bad message.

The bad message contained a bunch of bad words, which would sometimes hurt the cells in the body of a good little thumb, if it was not stopped by medicine.

The nurse pinky gave Thumbosaurus a second needle, and she told him that this would destroy the bad message with its bad words made of bad proteins, and that he would feel better soon.

Thumbosaurus remembered that he had been told in school that, sometimes, especially during the past, some thumbs were asked to give something in exchange for being able to go to the hospital.

Thumbosaurus thought that that seemed stupid and mean, and that he was glad to have lived in a place and time which always treated thumbs well.

In a few hours, Thumbosaurus felt much better, and he soon forgot all about the bad words, and the bad message, and he spent the rest of the day drawing pretty shapes with his friends.

The End